About Me

Hi! I'm Amanda and I sew (among other things). 

My mom liked sewing things for me when I was a child, and I learned to sew from her and some of her friends and family members. As an adult, I’ve often sewn things for myself and even made a few things for friends. After the birth of our daughter, I started making things for her. I had people approach me about some of the things I’d made for her, so I decided to open an Etsy shop selling some of my creations. Through local boutiques, friends, and family members, I’ve had the opportunity to make some custom adult items too. I also sew costumes for a local dance studio. I’ve really gotten to love eco-friendly fabrics and upcycling over the last few years. I especially love bamboo fabrics. I just love the way they feel, as well as knowing that they’re from a sustainable source. I love the satisfaction of seeing the finished product (especially when it’s something new that I’m trying for the first time). I also really love seeing my things in action - I love it when customers send me photos.

There are always more projects than there is time for and I always seem to have at least half a dozen projects in various stages of completion (and tons more ideas I haven’t even had a chance to start yet). I also like to cook and bake, garden, and read.

I have a wonderfully supportive family. My husband never complains about my sewing area, which is slowly taking over our master bedroom. Nor does he raise an eyebrow when I order or come home with more fabric to add to my stash. My mother has also been a great support – she’s always willing to help me brainstorm,  give me feedback, and listen to me rant or gush about my projects.  I am a wife and mother first and a seamstress second, so I do most of my sewing while my daughter is at school and my son naps. When I get really busy, I also sew at night after the kids are in bed and on the weekends.